Bas-Relief Sculpture

What's new in Pam's studio!

Welcome to my website of my original 3D, textured, bas relief and custom paintings.

I specialize in Bas-Relief  and Sculpture Painting

Bas-relief is a type of relief sculpture where the forms project slightly from the background. 

Painting and sculpture have been around for thousands of years, and we can date it as far back as the caveman times when people were painting images of their day’s hunts on the walls of caves.  This modern-day art has progressed significantly, with prominent artists and styles rising from all walks of life. 

Sculpture painting is a form of artistic expression that combines traditional art and sculpture to form inspiring three-dimensional pieces. What makes these works so remarkable is the attention to detail and aesthetics that make them stand out from the crowd. 


Do you need a custom piece of art for your home or business?

I can help you create a one-of-a-kind piece of art in plaster relief that will WOW your clients and friends.

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