Red Rose

Size:  8" x 20"

Price:  $80

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Tiny flowers

Size:  3" x 9"

Price:  $10

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Bronze Flowers

Size:  12" x 16"

Price:  $115

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Pink Rose

Size:  6" x 6"

Price:  $50

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Large  1\4 Sunflower

Size:  20" x 20"

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Butterflies Flowers

Size:  4" x 12"

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Pink Flower

Size:  10" x 10"

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Aqua Flower

Size:  10" x 10"

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Tree Nut

Size:  5" x 7"

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Silver Flower

Size:  10" x 10"

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Orange Rose

Size:  10" x 8"

Sunflower and Fence

Size:  15" x 12"


Size:  15" x 12"

Lotus Flower

Size:  15" x 12"

Flower Shoes

Size:  15" x 12"